Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
Vocalist. Musician. Christian.
Meet Austin
From a young age, Austin’s life has been deeply intertwined with music. His journey into the world of music began with vocal training at University of Evansville, where he honed his skills and nurtured his passion for singing. His commitment to his craft is soon to be culminated with Bachelor’s of Music and Arts degree from Oakland City University.
Austin’s musical prowess is not limited to a single genre. He is classically trained in Opera, a discipline that demands rigorous vocal precision and emotional depth. Additionally, his repertoire extends to the soulful rhythms of Jazz and the dynamic expressions of Theatre, showcasing his versatility as a vocalist. Austin believes firmly in the power and importance of continuous learning and vocal training, once stating, “The training of one’s voice is a vital component to ensure longevity!”

Beyond his technical skills, Austin is driven by a deep-seated passion for music. He views music as more than mere entertainment; to him, it is a divine gift. His conviction is evident when he says, “Music is a gift; therefore, we owe it to God to work as hard as we possibly can to better the kingdom!” This philosophy shapes his approach to music and life, instilling in him a profound sense of purpose and dedication.
At the heart of Austin’s musical endeavors is his love for gospel and contemporary Christian music. These genres resonate with his personal beliefs and serve as a constant source of inspiration, fueling his desire to create music that not only entertains but uplifts and spiritually enriches his audience. His goal is clear and noble: to use his God-given talents to glorify God and spread messages of faith, hope, and love through his music.
As he stands on the cusp of a promising career, Austin Glover is more than just a talented musician; he is a visionary artist whose devotion to his craft and faith is bound to make a significant impact in the world of Christian music.”